

Crypto, Stocks, Economics – Libertas, Aequitas, Veritas

Content Disclaimer

Do your Own Research

Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information that you find on our website and wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise.

No Investment Advice

Our website is a financial data and news portal, discussion forum and content aggregation point. Max Hodl is not a broker/dealer, we are not an investment adviser, and this is not a place for the giving or receiving of financial advice, advice concerning investment decisions or tax or legal advice. We are not regulated by the Financial Services Authority or any other authority or regulator.

We are a news platform and an educational forum for analysing, learning & discussing general and generic information related to crypto, stocks, investments and strategies. No content on the site constitutes – or should be understood as constituting – a recommendation to enter in any crypto purchases, securities transactions or to engage in any of the investment strategies presented in our site content. We do not provide personalised recommendations or views as to whether a stock or investment approach is suited to the financial needs of a specific individual.

Individual Empowerment, Not Hand-Holding

Where we present lists of crypto or securities tickers, the list should only be treated as candidates for further research, not as a buy list or set of recommendations. This may help to narrow a search based on pre-defined criteria but it is not a substitute for independent research reflecting your individual criteria for investing/trading.

Where we offer valuation information or tools, these are solely for informational & educational purposes so that users can easily run their own valuations. The values are simply a starting point based on global assumptions that we have applied across the entire market – users should amend them as they see fit and not regard them as a substitute for their own judgement.

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Accordingly, we will not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer arising out of such information or any reliance you may place upon such information. Any arrangements between you and any third party contacted via the website are at your sole risk.

Investment Warnings

We would like to draw your attention to the following important investment warnings.

  • The value of shares and investments and the income derived from them can go down as well as up;
  • Investors may not get back the amount they invested – losing one’s shirt is a real risk;
  • Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

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